To, Too, Two, and ‘Too

June 9, 2011 § 2 Comments

Sorry for the extended break . . . I vacationed and then procrastinated. To make up for my absence, I’ll do a post on something interesting – namely Cockatoos.

Cockatoos, also known as ‘Toos, are a group of various parrots who have crests on their heads – Moluccans, Umbrellas, Goffins, Cockatiels, etc. In this group, there are varying personality types: As usual, I’ll go over these.


Cuddly, sweet, loving, best bud, friends 4 ever. Cockatoos have built up *quite* the reputation as cuddly birds – and though it’s certainly deserved, this reputation doesn’t include the other personality types.


Moluccans and Umbrellas are quite possibly the two most difficult parrots to care for. They’re known for a cuddly personality, extremely loud screams, a clingy love of one person, and hard, sometimes frequent, bites. Moluccans and Umbrellas are difficult to care for, and should only be purchased by experienced parrot owners.


That’s the Goffin, along with the Bare-Eyed. These guys are personality with a capital P, and are, though easier than Moluccans and Umbrellas, still quite difficult to care for. They’re noted for a Houdini-like ability to escape their cages and a mischievous and active personality.


Cockatiels, the smallest of the Cockatoos, are first-class beginner’s birds. They, unlike the other Cockatoos, have small beaks that aren’t always attracted to biting you, and are known for amiable, friendly personalities.

That’s as much as I can handle today – back to procrastination. 😉


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§ 2 Responses to To, Too, Two, and ‘Too

  • gullringstorpgoatgal says:

    Hej from Sweden,

    Wow! what a great blog !!! You have been to my blog: so you already know I love animals. What you don’t know is that I love birds also ! I grew up with a mynah bird who talked and as an adult i took over the care of a mynah bird when her owner passed away and we had her for 12 years making her 24 when she passed away. I really miss her, she was such a special bird. I also raised and bred love birds, and had a beautiful cockatiel. Now I have goats and many other animal friends here at Gullringstorp, but the only birds are the wild ones who frequent my gardens and the baby goat playpen for a free meal of grain.
    I have always wanted a parrot and who knows, I just might have a parrot one day. Love what I have read!
    Great blog!

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